Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Being me vs Being who everyone thinks I am (or should be)

I am proud to say I am a friend to many. Very proud. I can happily say I have friends all over the world. Some I have hugged and some I have not. I have internet friends and mom friends, childhood friends and adult friends. I have many kinds of friends.
I can also say, not so proudly, that I have dated a lot recently. In the past few years I have been on more first dates than I care to mention. 99% of them have ended with the semi-sad fact that I am not what they are looking for or what they expected.
And that is ok. Completely ok! I am confidant in who I am as a person and I do not need to be what they think I should be just to hang on to them for a longer period of time.
But today I found myself thinking about what I was going to wear out over the weekend so that I could perhaps attract some attention. I have been buying more bright colors and while I buy them for my own pleasure and because I am a bit sick of the chubby girl 3 (Black red and gray) I know I have also been buying them to gain a bit more attention of the folks I might care to get to know better. And this thought occurred to me when I was in the shower tonight.
We all do that to an extent. We buy things and do things that we know will attract the eye or ear of others. We laugh a bit louder than we might have otherwise. We try a new perfume or cologne. We get a new haircut. We buy a new outfit. And all of that is fine, as long as we know where the line is drawn.
When I was a military spouse, there was an expectation. You should dress appropriately and neatly. I was good at that. Hair neat, makeup minimal, clothes nice but not too nice and colorful but not too colorful.
The thing is, under all of the weight of those expectations, are we being true to ourselves? How can we be sure that we are?
As a parent, I know that I want my kids to try to be whatever they want to be an whomever they want to be. I want them to grow in confidence of  their abilities and I want them to keep trying when others doubt. But do I do that myself? Do I lead by example?
People at church expect me to be one way. Super volunteer is usually part of it. People at work expect me to be another way. (Big mean banker lady) Old friends want me to be how they remembered and new ones take that first impression and kinda pin it on for keeps. I would say of all of those things apply.. I am many of them. I am many things to many people. I am a shoulder to cry on, an ear that listens, a person that tells it like it is. I am snarky and sassy and I am friendly and fun. I am all of these things. And sometimes people only see one  of them and sometimes, once in a while, they are lucky enough to know all of the sides of me. And that is me being me.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sick days and little successes.

So much has changed in the months since I started working outside of the home. Work is great and I am finding new ways of getting out for some adult time. And that is important. It was something I never did when I was first divorced. It was something I rarely did (other than official AF functions) when I was married. I do get out though and it is worth it to make that time and hire the sitter even though it does take away from what time I do have with the kids.
But today I am home.. sick and sore. I truly hate days like this because I am a very active person. I like to be busy. I HATE being sloth. I move at the speed of "What's next?" to quote my favorite tv show.(Bonus points for if you can name the show in the comments)
My weekend consisted of dress shopping for my littler girl and assembling furniture for the patio. I love it and it was worth it..but dang.. I am paying today. Sore. and to top it off... having major tummy troubles.. to the point my cube mates could hear them........... Yeah.... soak that one in for a moment.
Moving on. Sick days have certainly changed! I have 6 through the year.. and the kids.. wellllll. That is where we hit a wall. Until a few weeks ago,  I could count on my mom to watch them if needed. I also have several SAHMs that are willing to step in as well where needed. Single parenting has taught me many things and one of those things is plan ahead and plan often. Contingency plans on top of contingency plans. And it has worked well for me so far. I have a list of sitters for adult nights out that do not mind spending the night and being dropped off wherever needed in the morning and a list for those days when a fever spikes or a tummy is upset.
That is one of those things I think should be taught more by our parents. I know my daughters and I spend time talking about the fact that, if something does not work out at first, you have to move ahead and try the next thing. Hopefully that serves them well. If at first you don't succeed, try try again!
And that is something else we have to remind ourselves and our kids. You are not always going to succeed..but you should never stop trying. Even when you feel beaten down and put upon. Even when you feel like you have given your all and you still have not won. And maybe even when you have had someone let you down, hurt you, or even abandon you. You cannot quit. You have to go on. You have to keep trying. For ever door that closes, a window opens. For every dark cloud, a silver lining. For every evil, something good emerges.
And so, as  my stomach has let me down today, I have pressed on, written this blog, searched for things and finalized my plans for the garden. And tomorrow I will get up and try to go to work again. Maybe this time, I will succeed.
Much love xx